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SR1 Gold Bio NPK

SRI / SR1 Gold Bio NPK 12:11:12

₦ 18,000.00
Manufacturer: Contec Agro Global Ltd
A 100% biological and organic fertilizer, SR1 Gold NPK 12:11:12 includes unique bacteria that are indigenous to Nigerian soil to assist boost productivity.

A 100% biological and organic fertilizer, SR1 Gold NPK 12:11:12 includes unique bacteria that are indigenous to Nigerian soil to assist boost productivity.
It can be used on a variety of crops, including grains, cassava, tomatoes, capsicum, chillies, onions, beans, ginger, and fruit crops including banana and watermelon.
In addition to strengthening plants, it also helps seeds germinate and retain water, which leads to bigger harvests and better-quality food in the end.

It is good for all crops. It contains micro organisms needed for the production of nutrients needed for by plants

Composition of Active Ingredient
Natural NPK blended with Azospirillum CGA PGPB AS-057 – 2 x 10^8 CFU/gm-12%, Acetobacter Sp. CGA PGPBAS- 041-2×10^8CFU/gm-11%,BacillusmegateriumCGAPGPBBS-034- 2 x 10^8 CFU/gm- 12%, Humic acid- 10%, Soyprotein-10%, lignite- 20%, Talc powder- 20%, Bentonite- 5%. Total-100% BIO NPK Boaster Consortia 12:11:12 (Minimum ratio v/v in%).

  • SRI GOLD BIO NPK TM granules are developed by innovation technology with biotechnology research. A unique formula produced in scientifically controlled conditions in granular form to give the optimum output.
  • SRI GOLD BIO NPK TM contains unique bacteria in12:11:12 ratio which is scientifically impregnated into user friendly soil-degradable granular formulation for better inoculation in the field.
  • This process which is unique and mastered by CGAL makes granules. ecofriendly, hazardless and compatible with granular pesticides except which are of alkaline in nature.
  • These granules when applied to soil release nutrients in plant rhizosphere thus stimulate growth of beneficial microorganisms and provide nutritional support to plant at critical stages of growth.
  • Helps for
    1. better germination,
    2. Rapid root growth and nutrient uptake.,
    3. Improved fertilizer use efficiency of applied fertilizer,
    4. Increased no of tillers,
    5. Better grain filling
    6. Higher yield of superior quality,
    7. Stimulates photosynthesis,
    8. Immunity against soil borne diseases to certain extent.
    9. SRI GOLD BIO NPK TM helps in profuse root development, both in density and in spread.
    10. Better root establishment influences better seed, better soil texture, enhances nutrient availability,
    11. Increases water holding capacity and ultimately results in higher yields and better-quality produces.


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